Entries from 2023-01-01 to 1 year


www.youtube.com drjacobnordangard.substack.com childrenshealthdefense.org odysee.com Trump is rubbing his own grossly mismanaged genocide on died and disabled people in the world who have been suffering from vaccines. vigilantnews.com www.…


odysee.com www.kennedy24.com childrenshealthdefense.org Operation Warp: Trump put intense pressure on the FDA to fast-track vaccines. オペレーションワープ作戦:トランプ氏はFDAに猛烈な圧力をかけ、ワクチンの急造を行った。「我々は安全で効果的…


odysee.com www.kennedy24.com childrenshealthdefense.org ‘Go to Hell’: MEP Christine Anderson Delivers Damning Message to the Global Tyrants“If you do not unequivocally stand with the people ... you have no place in any parliament or in any…


www.youtube.com www.youtube.comwww.kennedy24.com What a stupid they are talking about. ↓ In a conversation with Google founder Sergey Brin, World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, delights at the thought of a future without elections:"…


www.youtube.com Kennedy would be the president of the United States. www.youtube.com www.kennedy24.com odysee.com www.unz.com www.zerohedge.com odysee.com www.zerohedge.com odysee.com dailyreckoning.com www.nakedcapitalism.com www.youtube.…


www.youtube.com www.kennedy24.com www.whale.to childrenshealthdefense.org odysee.com www.zerohedge.com www.informationliberation.com www.theorganicprepper.com www.youtube.com I would say to Trump for Assange : "This just came out. This jus…


www.youtube.com www.kennedy24.com www.ronpaulinstitute.org www.youtube.com On April 4, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy announced the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. to a majority-black crowd in an Indianapolis park. His impromptu speech is regard…


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odysee.com www.theepochtimes.com www.theepochtimes.com www.youtube.com www.zerohedge.com jonathanturley.org www.theepochtimes.com odysee.com “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimise total biometrics…


odysee.com www.projectveritas.com BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines"Don't tell anyone this...There is a risk...have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something...th…

ICPMI #5 ?....nnn...... ? ...nn? you got it !! ( in case piggy missed it.

www.youtube.com www.zerohedge.com headlineusa.com www.unz.com www.thegatewaypundit.com www.zerohedge.com www.theepochtimes.com twitter.com Japan Tokyo Asakusa Sensoji temple New Year decorations www.youtube.com www.washingtonexaminer.com w…